Trying to find good places and sources for an armband tattoo tribal can be a pain, I know, especially if you are looking for quality artwork online. The good news is that you can easily find your way through the fluff and get straight to the good tribals and art out there on the web.
First of all, you should not have to settle for something that you find through a Google search, or something you find on a generic, cookie-cutter website. Most of the armband tattoos and images on these places has been plastered all over the internet already. Who knows how many other guys have that armband tattoo tribal inked on their skin already?
You definitely want your art to be original and of good quality. A lot of the artwork that you find at the low and generic websites are not that. Even the ones that do look pretty good have a decent chance of not being tattoo worthy. This is because while the artist that drew the design might be good, they do not know what it takes to draw something that will look good once implemented as tattoos. This is crucial when it comes to an armband tattoo tribal and tribals in general.